With a myriad of different agents, opaque transactions and a massively fragmented supply and demand side, the wood- and timber trade isn't exactly the most innovative. VonWood is here to change that. Through the platform, both the demand- and supply side can easily interact and transact, cutting out unnecessary middlemen in the process. VonWood takes care of the logistics, contracting and payment and creates a fully-transparent and traceable supply-chain.
Keen Venture Partners
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David de Jong
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Minck Hermans
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The Netherlands
What we love
Davind & Minck have not only built the perfect solution to take on the highly fragmented wood industry, they have also created full transparency in a supply-chain that was infamously opaque and complicated. In just 48 hours, wood buyers can receive a qualified quote of any of sawmills. Speaking of sawmills, have we mentioned that VonWood managed to onboard over 130+ sawmills in just 4 months?
Laurens Groenendijk
Founding Partner
“DFF helped us give brands uncomplicated access with full cost control.”
Max Grosse Lutermann
Co-founder reverse.supply
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“DFF helped us give brands uncomplicated access with full cost control.”
Max Grosse Lutermann
Co-founder reverse.supply
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